Paragon Safety Group now offers Online Safety Training! We have partnered with BIS Safety to offer over a thousand different online courses in a variety of topics, including safety, construction, soft skills, and more.
Access our library of online safety training courses from our Training Portal!
We offer online training on hundreds of topics, which you can complete on your pace, and on your schedule, including:
- Fall Protection
- Confined Space
- Silica Safety
- Defensive Driving
- Hazard Communication (HazCom)
- Trenching/Excavation
- Heat Illness
- Material Handling/Ergonomics
- Forklift and MEWP (Aerial / Scissor Lift) Instruction
*driving test also required for OSHA-compliant certification* - and many more!
If there is another online training topic you need, please contact us, and we can even create a new online course for your use!